Save the Bees! Sign the Petition (updated)

This is an urgent appeal to sign this petition to save bees in the UK because the UK government wants to allow pesticides that kill bees. But pesticides are very bad for our health whereas bees are very beneficial to our health! 



Apparently, sugar beet is being attacked by yellow virus spread mainly by aphids hence, there will be less sugar beet this year. Although last year wasn't much better. It's an emergency measure for this year only. However, that's just trying to justify the unjustifiable! It's not a new virus! In the UK, bees have declined by a third in the last decade while some insects have declined in number by as much as a half over several decades. But the worst is, the chemical used against bees called Neonicotinoid thiamethoxam causes brain damage to the bee, attacks its immune system and leaves them flightless. This harm is totally appalling! 😠 Insects are vital to the global ecosystem. Without them, there wouldn't be an ecosystem. Bees are important pollinators. No bees means no honey. 😒As much as a third of our food is pollinated by bees. 

There are possible alternatives, such as, covering crop with plastic film, which is biodegradable, to put off the aphids until the crop/sugar beet is mature enough to withstand them. A major benefit of this plastic film covering is that the crop grows faster and ends up larger. It functions like a glasshouse. Increased heat and moisture helps the crop to grow and be virus free. Sugar beet is particularly suited to this process because it won't grow upwards and puncture the plastic film as other crops might, such as, maize. It's also a cheaper alternative to pesticides and there's no loss of crop as a result. Problem solved.πŸ‘ Government take note!

Let's do our bit and stop cutting down vegetation in our gardens but rather allow things to grow naturally so creating a welcoming environment for bees, insects and birds. Help the environment by making your garden a safe haven for all wildlife so creating biodiversity and a healthy ecosystem.πŸŒ²πŸŒ³πŸŒΏπŸŒ±πŸŒΈπŸ΅πŸŒΉπŸŒΊπŸŒ»πŸŒΌπŸžπŸπŸ•ΈπŸ•·πŸœπŸ›πŸŒπŸ’–
